Monday, December 18, 2006

Hello Broadband TV!

Wired Magazine published a story today on a reporters' experience of switching to watching TV content purely online and he does raise a few interesting points, such as the following:

The issues with sports underscore the problems with internet delivery of real-time video, such as games and breaking news. People don't mind waiting for the long download times of evergreen content such as movies, which generally weigh between 1 and 1.5 GB, but they want higher definition. And getting weekly serial dramas the day after they air is painful only for the most impatient fans. But sports and breaking news lose their shelf life very quickly, and that means the only proper means of delivery is live streaming.

In March, CBS offered all the non-televised college basketball games as video streams from its website, and outside of some hiccups on the first few days, had no problems streaming to hundreds of thousands of viewers, said CBS' McClintock.

But pushing content to a larger number just wouldn't work, said Jupiter's Laszlo. The internet isn't architected for it. "Streaming and downloading work well right now, in part because they are not super-popular," he said. "However, the entire internet might be threatened, if everyone in the U.S. woke up one day and started consuming video over the internet."

Read the full article "Goodbye TV, Hello Broadband" in Wired.


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